Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Funny Quote July 30, 2007

Funny quote for the day:phone conversation from seattle.Trent-can Jack take me fishing? Mom-no today is the sabbath day.Trent-it's okay, we probably won't catch any fish.Mom-no, even if you don't catch fish it's sunday, we don't go fishing on Sunday.Trent-mom,we could have fish for dinner. Mom-there is other food you can eat maybe dad can take you fishing during the week.Trent-fine but jack never does anything fun with me.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Funny Quote for the Day July 27th, 2007

Funny quote for the day:Trent coming out of the shower-mom get on the scale so I can see how much you weigh.Mom-no.Trent-why not?Mom-that's private.Trent-I won't tell anybody.Mom-no.Trent-I weigh 60, do you weigh ___,___, or more than that?Mom-Trent I am not getting on the scale so cut it out.(little stink, he was really close)

Friday, July 27, 2007

I'ts a Sampson Thing

This is Jack & this is his hair. It's like it's on fire...& he loves it.When I posted the picture of him at scout camp megan called me wondering what was up with his hair...I'm like what do you mean?His hair always looks like that.I guess she proceeded to call him & let him know with such gorgeous hair he should keep it trimmed & combed.Having a daughter as the oldest has it's benefits, although I truly can't complain about the hair~it could be worse~have any of you seen brett's highschool pictures?! One of the many things I have learned being a mother is a boy's hair truly is his business & there is almost never a correlation between hair & attitude unless it's my own~ attitude that is. Jack is such a great kid~I guess I need to remind megan~someday he will meet a great girl & start combing his hair. For now I will take him just like this... as he says, "it's a Sampson thing mom."

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Trent Funnies

I was opening a birthday card.Trent-can I open that card for you mom?I really need the money. (also)Trent-if I babysit chloe will you give me 200 bucks at the end of the week?Mom-200 pucks?Trent-BUCKS that means dollars in spanish.Mom-why do you need 200 bucks?Trent-so that I can be rich & fly everywhere in a helicopter. This picture is from the first grade opera.

Monday, July 16, 2007

More Car Trip Funnies

Being in the car with our family really is fun until the last 45 minutes which is so hard it takes away from the fun part.Here are more funny quotes.Mom-brett can we stop at & get some snacks & maybe a new movie (we had already stopped at mcdonalds & to get gas)Trent- no we can't stop it's the Sabbath Day.Mom- that's true but we are on a trip & it's really hard when you are traveling.Trent-(after some thought)oh, so your going to break the rules.
Dad-Trent if you open the car door while I am driving your going to fall out & die.Trent-If I want to die- then let me die!
Brian-(after listening to a long story from Trent)-some little boys lie.Trent-are you calling me a liar? Cause if you're calling me a liar I will stop this car & come back there and destroy you.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Car Trip Funnies

Funny quote for the day:there are so many from being in the car with Trent I don't even know where to start.The one big thing that sticks out in my mind is that trent constantly wanted to drive!?What- I know, it's insane. Everytime we would ask who wanted to drive (4 drivers)or pulled over he would say-it's my turn to drive or you never let me drive. Personal favorite-I'm an excellant driver give me a chance.Each time we would patiently explain that you can't drive until your 16 the whole routine- he would get it then boom next hour he would bring it up again, like it was a possability.The last time I just couldn't take it and scolded him. He started to cry. I felt so bad. It's easy to forget that being the youngest with older siblings who can do everything that seems cool really stinks sometimes.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Megan came home the afternoon of the 3rd to all the festivities. When she drove up a neighbor was at the door. We were embarrased when we saw the neighbor reading all the words on her car. Megan's car had all these words on it like sexy, etc. We asked what the Heck? She had strung her roomates bra across the balcony which overlooks the boys in her ward- overnight. Knowing how much Megan hates her car being graffitied up-payback.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Trent on Baptism

Brett-Trent what are you supposed to remember after you get baptized? Trent- (pause) Your BB gun to shoot the bad guys!
I am worried, he is not ready to be baptized next month.
p.s.this is an older picture-he refuses to have his picture taken.